Entry #1. BLOG Adventures

    Before we begin, I'm going to keep this real. I never really care or bother to read anyone's personal blog. I always figure people who have a blog about their lives are the most narcissist people on this planet. I tend to avoid personal blogs as much as possible. That's as far as I'll go with that. I don't usually hate blogs, but I don't go out of my way to read through an entire blog. I just skim through it and make bullet points to get a clear idea of what the blog is trying to convey. After doing some reading for this specific entry, I found some convoluted feelings towards blogging now. 

I was reviewing some previous students who had completed blog projects in the past when i came across THIS BLOG  I found it quite fun and engaging. The way it is organized, he made it in a way that people like me, who don't tend to read blogs, won't get bored. Plus, bonus points for me for making the blog about a topic I'm also passionate about. The blog began in 2013, back when video games were not the juggernaut that they are today. Reading this blog from back then was a lot of fun because it shows how naive people were back then, including myself, about all the big news about games and how those events were unfolding.

You know what, I'm going to go into further details of why I don't read personal blogs. (Yes, I am this petty haha) Personal blogs that highlight someone's luxuries and give "Advice" on how they can do the same thing with "effort" are pretty sad. They pray for people who are lost in life and give advice that is very vague and can leave room for interpretation, good or bad. The blog MR. Money mustache does this to make his blog appear like people who follow him and donate to him really do help them. This blog is just to make people who are in need of help feel helped. I'm not saying all personal blogs are like this, but I've seen enough to know which ones are genuine and which ones are not. I never realized I was this passionate about this topic. 

Now let me show you which type of personal blog I do like, believe it or not. The type of blog I like is a cooking blog (not ashamed to say it). This type of blog is so much fun! All the unique foods you can make that you would never think possible are crazy. I don't usually cook these, but I just look at them and say "Yeah, I can cook this" ( but never do) These types of blogs are always fun. It's a blog you yourself can also experience. For example, do you see a food you like? Just click on it and there it is! It is so tempting to make one of these snacks. The photos alone on food blogs always get me. This is a new blog I discovered about a month ago.
