Entry#8 Battle Ground of Gods

Smite is a MOBA. It stands for Multiplayer Battle Arena. It's a game I've been playing since 2017 till now in 2022. The game pits mythological gods from various religions and pantheons against one another. I was already a big mythology guy, so seeing Hercules, Anubis, Set, and even Cthulhu battling in a game piqued my interest. This is what I would think about going to bed: "Who would win in a fight, Zeus, the god of the gods, or Atlas, the titan that holds the world for all eternity?" This is only one of dozens of battles you can see while playing. The game has over 120 gods to choose from, and my favorite favorite gods to play as are Shiva, the Hindu god of Destruction, and Thanatos, the right-hand man of Hades.
Shiva God of Destruction

Thanatos Hades right-hand

The reason why I love this game is that it plays in 3rd person, meaning the camera is behind the god rather than being on top like in other MOBAs. Making the player feel as if they are fighting alongside these gods by allowing them to see every detail of the god and the battle is really cool. Through the years, SMITE has gained such popularity that it has collaborated with other franchises like Stranger Things from Netflix, TMNT, and even Transformers. So not only are gods fighting each other, but you can also see Transformers fighting gods, which sounds pretty cool. I was ranked 16th in the world a year ago, but I haven't gotten to that height anymore. I had to stop taking the game seriously.

The problem with SMITE is that... it's too much fun. I need help. I have spent over 1,555 hours playing this god-forsaken game. It's a drug, and I can't get enough of it. I hate it. I hate my teammates for always dragging me down and always dying to the enemy team. So far, I have broken 1 monitor and 1 keyboard. I need help. My hair has turned grey and I want to pull it out. I just want to be happy again... I'm only joking HAHAHAHAHA Yeahhhhh....

This is not even half of all the gods you can play


  1. I have never played Smite but I have seen it on steam a lot. I might want to try it after reading you blog. I see you have a lot of hours into I do not have that many hour on any game on my steam profile. I think the only game that compare to that many hours is Minecraft.


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